Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome

Would you like to visit Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome? Then this post can do a lot for you. Not surprisingly, here is a van tour that no caravanning lover can resist. It’s all the inspiration you need to make the most of your trip!

The route we have prepared to reach Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome leaves nothing to be desired. After all, it is a trip that links Madrid with five of the most beautiful towns in Burgos and Soria.

Our round trip has a total distance of 520 km (about 6 hours of driving), with Santo Domingo de Silos (Burgos) as its high point. As we don’t want you to miss anything, we will tell you where to spend the night in the van and even what you can eat. Let’s get going!


The first stop of our trip to Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome will be the “Villa Ducal de Lerma“, which is just over 2 hours from Madrid. Its unquestionable beauty has earned it a place in the association of the most beautiful villages in Spain and it is even known as the little Escorial of Burgos.

Among its most representative buildings are the Ducal Palace and the Collegiate Church of San Pedro, being also of some relevance the Monastery of San Blas. Nor can you miss the Plaza Mayor which, with its 7000 m², is one of the largest in Spain. [AC Area].

lerma in motorhome

Quintanilla del Agua

Quintanilla del Agua is an idyllic village that has everything necessary to connect with the irresistible charm of rural Spain. Its most representative monuments include the Church of the Nativity and the hermitage of the Conception.

Hiking and ornithology are two of the best outdoor activities you can practice in this town. We also recommend you to visit Territorio Artlanza: a 10,000 m2 cultural space that recreates how life used to be in a traditional village. [Parking in Puentedura (7 km away).

Quintanilla del agua


The medieval village of Covarrubias (popularly known as the “cradle of Castile”) is considered one of the most beautiful villages in Spain. At gastronomic level, this destination stands out for the “olla podrida” and for the “rachelas” cherries from Las Caderechas Valley 🍒. Be sure to try them!

The Collegiate Church and the Archive of the Adelantamiento de Castilla are just a small sample of the superb architectural heritage of Covarrubias, the history of Spain beats in each of its corners, as evidenced by the monument to Kristina of Norway or the Tower of Fernán González. [Área AC].

lerma in motorhome

We are going to Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome!

5 things to see in Santo Domingo de Silos

  1. Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos. Erected in 1041, it is the main tourist attraction of the town. In addition to admiring its Romanesque cloister or delighting in the Gregorian chant of its monks, you can visit the museum, the Abbey and the apothecary. Check their schedules and rates here.
  2. Church of San Pedro. This temple was built between the 13th and 16th centuries. It is worth mentioning that it preserves two images of great value: the Virgin of the Milk and the Virgin of the Market (patron saint of Silos).
  3. Former convent of San Francisco. Built in the XIV century, after its exclaustration in 1835, it was abandoned and today it functions as a cultural center where exhibitions, courses and concerts take place.
  4. Sad Hill . Did you know that several scenes from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) were filmed in Santo Domingo de Silos? In total, there are four locations, the most popular of which is the cemetery where the last scene of the movie took place.
  5. Alma Silense Winery. Wine tourism cannot be missing in a visit to Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome, so this winery will come in handy to learn how the wines of the D.O. Arlanza are made. Of course, you will also be able to taste and buy them 🍷.

Nature in its purest form

The gorge of La Yecla is only 3 km from the village and is ideal to give a green note to your trip to Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome. This small trail will allow you to admire from above a tributary of the Mataviejas, as well as vultures and unique geological formations.

Santo Domingo de Silos can boast of being the confluence of numerous hiking trails: the Camino del Cid, the Ruta de la Lana, the Camino de la Lengua Castellana… Even the Way of St. James passes through here!

What to eat in Santo Domingo de Silos?

It is clear that passing through Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome gives us the perfect excuse to succumb to the best food of Burgos gastronomy. Thus, black pudding and cheese from Burgos or suckling lamb should not be missing on your table.

The wines of the D.O. Arlanza will pair wonderfully with the typical delicacies that you will be able to taste in this town. Finally, at dessert time, the Rocas de Silos and the conventual sweets will put a sweet end to your gastronomic experience.


santo domingo de silos in motorhome

Photo courtesy of

Where to spend the night when visiting Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome?

Santo Domingo de Silos has no nearby campsites or AC areas. However, this does not detract from the fact that it is a caravanning destination. The most recommended place to spend the night is the Parking Pasaje las Calderas: a free mixed parking lot with capacity for 100 vehicles. The best of all is its strategic location: 250m from the center and 400m from the monastery. You’ll be there in less than 5 minutes!

San Leonardo de Yagüe

As we want to finish this route to Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome in style, we chose San Leonardo de Yagüe as our last stop. Once we have discovered all the wonders that this Soria town has to offer, we will have a return trip of almost 3 hours to Madrid.

Nature is one of the main attractions of this town. Great examples of this can be found in the Cañón del Río Lobos, the Sierra de la Demanda and the Sierra de Urbión and Laguna Negra Natural Park. From a monumental point of view, it is worth mentioning the parish church, the Casas de los Ferrones and the remains of the Castle of San Leonardo. And the kids will have a great time in the Magic Forest! [AC Area].

san leonardo de yagüe in motorhome

Definitely, this route to Santo Domingo de Silos by motorhome lacks nothing to take your van passion to the next level. In fact, we are pretty sure that, by now, you must be looking forward to putting it into practice, right?

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